Dr. Esther Voswinckel Filiz

Tel: +90 212 293 60 67 / 131
Mail: voswinckel@oiist.org

Tübingen ve Bolonya’da kültürel antropoloji ve dinler tarihi eğitimi alan Esther Voswinckel Filiz, Akdeniz coğrafyasındaki dinî antropoloji üzerine çalışmıştır. “İstanbul’da Aziz Mahmud Hüdayî: Bir Mekânın Biyografisi” ismindeki doktora tezi çalışması (2022 senesinde kitap olarak yayımlanıştır) için uzun yıllar Üsküdar’da saha araştırması yapmıştır. Araştırmaları İstanbul’daki tasavvufun materyal kültürünü, türbelerin tarihî ve güncel estetiğini ve türbe emanetlerinin “biyografilerini” ele almaktadır.

Haziran 2020’den beri Orient-Institut Istanbul’da “Dinler tarihi ve antropolojisi” alanında sorumlu araştırmacı olarak çalışmaktadır.

Akdeniz coğrafyasında din antropolojisi

Dinî mimari

1925 sonrası İstanbul’un dinî tarihi

Tasavvufî emanetler ve Tâcname literatürü


Aziz Mahmud Hüdayi in Istanbul – Biographie eines Ortes. Istanbuler Texte und Studien 48. Ergon Verlag, Baden-Baden, 2022.


“Turban”. Khamseen: Islamic Art History Online, Glossary. https://sites.lsa.umich.edu/khamseen/glossary/2023/turban/.

(Semih Ceyhan ile:) „Headgear“. Brill Handbook of Sufi Material Culture (yayına hazılanıyor).

„Sufi Turbans in Istanbul – the Textile and Textual Production of the Tâc-ı Șerîf. The Politics of Dress and Identity in Eastern Mediterranean Societies, Past and Present. Derl. Rosita D’Amora ile Tineke Rooijakkers. Leiden/London (Yayına hazırlanıyor).

„Der kreisende Himmel über Konya. Tranceriten der Sufis zwischen Universum und Untergrund. Ein Feldbericht. Begeisterung und Blasphemie, Zeitschrift für Kulturwissenschaften 2/2015. Derl. Martin Zillinger ve Erhard Schüttpelz. Bielefeld 139-143.

„Looking Inside. The Windows of Sufi Saint Shrines in Istanbul. Kunstlicht. Journal for Visual Arts and Architecture 1 (2014). Amsterdam. 126-141. 

Kitap eleştirisi:

Bigelow, Anna:  Islam Through Objects. London et al: Bloomsbury (Bloomsbury Studies in Material Religion), 2021. Die Welt des Islams 63 (2023) 127–144. doi:10.1163/15700607-20220002

Kreinath, Jens (Ed.): The Anthropology of Islam Reader, London/New York: Routledge, 2012, 420 S. Zeitschrift für Religions- und Geistesgeschichte 65(1), 2013. Leiden/Boston. 79-81.

Blog yazıları

“Threads of Tradition: Textile practices and material culture of Sufism in Istanbul. Some field notes,” Orient-Institut Istanbul Blog, 4 Haziran 2021. https://www.oiist.org/threads-of-tradition/

Voswinckel Filiz, Esther. >Saint Anthony’s Bread< in Istanbul and >Problem-Solving Chickpeas< in Iran: July’s Religion-Related Research Get-Together Dedicated to Food and Religion“ Orient-Institut Istanbul Blog, 14 August 2020. https://www.oiist.org/saint-anthonys-bread-in-istanbul-and-problem-solving-chickpeas-in-iran-julys-religion-related-research-get-together-dedicated-to-food-and-religio/

Başka Yayınlar

Voswinckel Filiz, Esther. „Eis tin pólin. Istanbul bir geçişler coğrafyası.“ Turkish Airlines Empathy 1 (2019). Istanbul. 114-117.  

27.05.2022: „Fäden und Fährten des Religiösen: Teilnehmende Beobachtung der islamischen Heiligenverehrung in Istanbul“. 10. Symposion Religion & Psychoanalyse. Spiritualität und das Unbewusste. Deutsche Psychoanalytische Gesellschaft. 27 – 28 May, 2022, Munich.

10.02.2022: Oturum başkanı: „Ziyāra Revisited: Explorations of the Multisensorial and Material Dimensions of Pilgrimage in Iran and Beyond“. IRSSC Closing Conference. Orient-Institut Istanbul (online).

22.10.2021: „Meftune Hanım’s Threads: Textile Entanglements of Sufism in Istanbul.“  Konferans Entangled Sufism in (Post-) Ottoman Europe. Cross-Disciplinary Approaches. Viyana, 21.-23.10.2021 (online).

18.06.2021: „The Materiality of Sufi Saint Shrines in Istanbul: The Case of the Türbe of Aziz Mahmud Hüdayi (1541-1628) in Üsküdar.“ Uluslararası Workshop Materialities of Everyday Religiosity: Historical and Contemporary Dynamics in Turkey and Iran. 17.-20. Orient-Institut Istanbul, Juni 2021 (online).

17.3.2021: “Textile Belongings of a Sufi Saint in Istanbul”. Virtual Islamic Art History Seminar Series (online). 

16.11.2020: “On the Other Shore: The Things of a Sufi Saint in Istanbul”. Institut Français d’Études Anatoliennes, Istanbul (online). 

24.09.2020: “A landscape of tastes and melodies: aşure distribution at Istanbul’s tekkes”. Workshop The Ingredients of Aşure, Orient-Institut Istanbul (online).

22.06.2020: “Aziz Mahmud Hüdayi in Istanbul – Biographie eines Ortes”. Orient-Institut Istanbul Kolokyumu.

29.11.2019: “Collecting thread ends. Some introductory remarks”. Threads of Tradition – Textile Metaphors: a Workshop with Prof. Dr. Tim Ingold. CERES, Ruhr-Universität Bochum. 

18.10.2019: “The tâç in Ottoman Sufi culture: literature, design, symbolism and ritual”. Prof. Dr. Semih Ceyhan (Marmara Üniversitesi) ile. Konferans The Sacred Patrimony of Sufism: Architecture, Objects and Symbols from the Maghreb to China. IFEA/CNRS/ Orient-Institut Istanbul (17-18 Ekim 2019).

4.05.2019: “Holy places of Sufism in Istanbul: the saint’s tomb as a threshold.” Seminer Holiness. Threshold of the “proximity” of the divine to the human and of the human to the divine. Dost-I (Domenican Study Istanbul (1-5 Mayıs 2019).

28.10.2018: Workshop “Religiöse Praxen als alternative Ressourcen im Kontext gesellschaftlichen Umbruchs”. Konferans Unsere Zeit denken: Interkulturelle Gegenwartsanalysen und Handlungsperspektiven. Akademie der Diözese Rottenburg-Stuttgart, Weingarten (26-28 Ekim 2018).

13.05.2016: “Aziz Mahmud Hüdayi in Istanbul – Ethnographie eines Ortes”. Materialwerkstatt/Research Colloquium a.r.t.e.s. Graduate School for the Humanities, Universität zu Köln.

25.03.2016: “Sufi Turbans  in Istanbul – the Textile and Textual Production of Ritual Headgear at Saintly Gravesites”. Conference The Politics of Dress and Identity in Eastern Mediterranean Societies, Past and Present. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam/University of Salento. Allard Pierson Museum Amsterdam (24-26 Mart 2016).