Bir Yaşamın İzleri – Traugott Fuchs Mirasının Kataloglanması

17 Eylül 2021 | Yazarlar: Karin Schweissgut & Melissa Sivri

Traugott Fuchs’un Orient-Institut Istanbul’daki mirasını kataloglama projesi, Boğaziçi Üniversitesi İstanbul Arşiv ve Dokümantasyon Merkezi ile iş birliği içinde, Kültürel Koruma Programının bir parçası olarak Dışişleri Bakanlığı ve Orient-Institut Istanbul fonları ile finanse edildi.

By |2022-02-24T15:23:13+03:00September 17th, 2021|Research Project|Comments Off on Bir Yaşamın İzleri – Traugott Fuchs Mirasının Kataloglanması

A crackling sound and the smell of burnt wood: Ottoman braziers and the Romanian countries

30 APRIL 2021 | Author: Roxana Coman

Ottoman material culture in Romania underwent significant paradigm changes with many symbolical implications during the 18th and 19th centuries, most notably if we take into consideration the westernization and nation building processes.

By |2021-05-03T13:12:17+03:00May 1st, 2021|Research Project|Comments Off on A crackling sound and the smell of burnt wood: Ottoman braziers and the Romanian countries

A German-Ottoman Scramble for Objects in ar-Raqqa. Antiquities Trade, Archaeological Looting and Museum Rivalry in the Late Ottoman Empire

23 APRIL 2021 | Author: Sebastian Willert

“Since I arrived at Halep [Aleppo] I have been seeing valuable antiquities in many houses. Telegrams I receive from Raqqa indicate that antiquity smuggling is pervasive.” In his telegram of 24 October 1910, Hüseyin Kâzım Kadrî (1870–1934) reported on the treatment of antique objects and ancient remains in the region which constituted Halep Vilâyeti (Vilâyet Aleppo).

By |2021-04-23T14:41:56+03:00April 23rd, 2021|Research Project|Comments Off on A German-Ottoman Scramble for Objects in ar-Raqqa. Antiquities Trade, Archaeological Looting and Museum Rivalry in the Late Ottoman Empire

Historical Resonances of Nichori

9 APRİL 2021 | Author: Salih Demirtaş

Studies on ocularcentric aspects of visual culture in modernity cover broad epistemological areas that focus on priority to the eyesight over other senses; in other words, a vision-oriented construction of knowledge, truth and reality. As part of anti-ocularcentric discourses across the social sciences including multisensory research methods, listening sounds of our environment through soundwalks could also develop distinctive creative sensitivities in relation with the subjects and the methodologies of our research areas.

By |2021-05-13T17:40:01+03:00April 8th, 2021|Research Project|Comments Off on Historical Resonances of Nichori

Melissa Bilal: Stimmen von armenischen Kriegsgefangenen in deutschen Lagern während des Ersten Weltkrieges

16. Oktober 2020 | Autor: Martin Greve

Es muss eine eigenartige Situation gewesen sein: Mitten im Ersten Weltkrieg, gefangen von den Deutschen, in ein Lager verschleppt, irgendwo im fernen Deutschland; und dann erscheinen plötzlich diese deutschen Professoren und stellen einen Kasten mit einer Art Hörrohr vor den Männern auf.

By |2020-10-16T16:25:53+03:00October 16th, 2020|Research Project|Comments Off on Melissa Bilal: Stimmen von armenischen Kriegsgefangenen in deutschen Lagern während des Ersten Weltkrieges

Muslim Woman: The Translatability of a Patriarchal Order

9 October 2020 | Authors: A. Ebru Akcasu and Maha Abdelmegeed

The research carried out over the course of June 2018 - January 2019, conducted with one of us being based at the Orient-Institut Istanbul, and the other at the American University in Beirut, contributed to an article we have been working on for the past few years.

By |2020-10-09T15:55:18+03:00October 9th, 2020|Research Project|Comments Off on Muslim Woman: The Translatability of a Patriarchal Order

“Saint Anthony’s Bread” in Istanbul and “Problem-Solving Chickpeas” in Iran: July’s Religion-Related Research Get-Together dedicated to Food and Religion

14 AUGUST 2020 | Author: Esther Voswinckel Filiz

Since 2019, the research field “History of Religions” of the Orient-Institut Istanbul together with IFEA has been hosting a monthly networking meeting that brings together scholars of religion from different academic fields.

By |2020-08-14T12:50:17+03:00August 14th, 2020|Research Project|Comments Off on “Saint Anthony’s Bread” in Istanbul and “Problem-Solving Chickpeas” in Iran: July’s Religion-Related Research Get-Together dedicated to Food and Religion

Meraklı Bir Sultanın Portresi: II. Abdülhamid’in Tablo Koleksiyonu

7 AĞUSTOS 2020 | Yazar: Merve Köksal

II. Abdülhamid’in halife olması sebebiyle portresini yaptırmadığı, fotoğraflarının çekilmesine izin vermediği ve bu konuda katı tedbirler aldığı yaygın bilgilerdir. Nitekim onun portresini on iki yıllık hizmetinin ardından yapabilen saray ressamı Fausto Zonaro da bu durumu teyit eder.

By |2020-08-07T21:34:28+03:00August 7th, 2020|Research Project|Comments Off on Meraklı Bir Sultanın Portresi: II. Abdülhamid’in Tablo Koleksiyonu

Der Klang des Unaussprechlichen

10. JULI 2020 | Autor: Martin Greve

Gemessen an ihrer Bevölkerungszahl ist es die zweitkleinste Provinz der Türkei: Tunceli, eine kleine, schwer zugängliche Bergregion, etwa 800 Kilometer östlich von Ankara. Gerade einmal 86.000 Menschen leben hier, auf einer Fläche, die halb so groß ist wie Thüringen.

By |2020-07-10T12:54:16+03:00July 10th, 2020|Research Project|Comments Off on Der Klang des Unaussprechlichen

Building Sustainable Scholarly Collaboration With Iran (and Beyond): Of COVID-19 and other challenges

3 JULY 2020 | Autor: Katja Rieck

Next to producing innovative scholarship, the second but no less important pillar of the “Knowledge Unbound” initiative is forming and strengthening international research networks. At Orient-Institut Istanbul we are pursuing this aim through the International Standing Working Group “Iran and Beyond: Breaking the Ground for Sustainable Scholarly Collaboration”.

By |2020-07-10T12:50:38+03:00July 2nd, 2020|Research Project|Comments Off on Building Sustainable Scholarly Collaboration With Iran (and Beyond): Of COVID-19 and other challenges
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