Shahrzad Irannejad

Tel: +90 212 293 60 67 / 120

Shahrzad Irannejad, İslam etkisindeki ülkelerde tıp tarihi ağırlıklı olarak çalışan bir filolog. Tahran Üniversitesi’nde, 2009 yılında doktora derecesiyle bitirdiği eczacılık öğreniminden sonra Yunan-Arap tıp tarihi üzerine uzmanlaştı. Ortaçağ İslam dünyasında metinsel bilgi aktarımı mekanizmaları üzerine yaptığı araştırmalar kapsamında, hem bilgi aktarımının maddi araçlarındaki kodikolojik yönleriyle hem de bilgi aktarımının tek tek aktörleri ve aracılarıyla ilgileniyor. Halen, Mainz Johannes Gutenberg Üniversitesi’nde bulunan, “Erken Dönem İnsan ve Doğa Kavramları: Evrensellik, Özgüllük, Gelenek” konulu Graduiertenkolleg 1876 çatısı altında doktora çalışması yapıyor. “İbn-i Sina’nın İç Duyularının Hipokrat Bedeninde Lokalizasyonu” konulu projesinde, kavramların ve fikirlerin (beyin ve zihin ilintilileriyle) dil ve kültür sınırlarını aşarak, Yunan geleneğinden Ortaçağ Arap geleneğine varacak biçimde nasıl aktarıldığı konusuyla ilgilendi. Sonbahar 2020’den bu yana Orient-Institut Istanbul’da misafir araştırmacı olan Shahrzad Irannejad’ın burada üzerinde çalıştığı “Salgınlar Öncesinde Bilgi: “(İslami) Hıltlar Tıbbı Karşısında Peygamber Tıbbı” projesi Alman Federal Eğitim ve Araştırma Bakanlığı’nın finanse ettiği, “İran ve Ötesi: Sürdürülebilir Bilimsel İşbirliği” (IRSSC) çatısı altında yer alıyor. Hem filoloji hem tıp sosyolojisi alanlarına dayanan proje Orient-Institut Istanbul içindeki iki araştırma alanını da birleştirmekte: “İnsan, Tıp ve Toplum” ve “Din Tarihi”.

Yunan-Arap tıbbının tarihi

Bilgi Aktarımı ve Greco-Arabica

İran’da Kaçarlar Döneminde Tıbbın Tarihi

İslamda Yazma Kültürü ve Kodikoloji

Tıbbi Beşeri Bilimler (Tıbbi Zihin Bilimleri)

Klasik Fars Mutfağı İle Tıp Arasındaki Bağlantılar

30.06.2020: “Ventricular Localization: Greek into Arabic, Text into Image”. Byzantinistik Kolloquium. JGU Mainz, Online.

21.05.2020: “Absence of a Concept? Contagion, Medicine and Pilgrimage”. Study of Religions Meeting: Religion and Epidemics. Orient-Institut, Istanbul.

22.01.2020: Setareh Fatehi Irani ile, “Bodiless Heads 2: bodies, borders, flux and fluidity”. Lecture-Performance as part of the lecture series Human, Medicine and Society: Past, Present and Future Encounters. Orient-Institut, Istanbul.

21.01.2020: “Balanced Bodies: Humoral Medicine in Contemporary Iran”, Workshop: Technology and the Body: Care, Empowerment and the Fluidity of Bodies, Orient-Institut, Istanbul.

27.11.2019: “Galen’s words in Avicenna’s head: Brain anatomy from the Greek to the Perso-Arabic Tradition”. The 2nd International Congress on the History of Medicine in Islam and Iran, Tehran.

26.11.2019: “Encounter with the New Alchemical Medicine: Arabic into Persian”. Workshop: History of Alchemy for Historians of Medicine. Tehran.

18.12.2019: “Illustrating the Localization of Avicenna’s Inner Senses: A Rare Instance”. OII Forschungskolloquium. Orient-Institut, Istanbul.

01.08.2019: “Ventricular Localization from Nemesius to Avicenna”. The 16th History of Medicine Meeting. The Iranian Academy of Medical Sciences, Tehran.

17.07.2019: Aleksandar Milenković ile, “From Localization of Functions to Embodiment of Concepts”. RTG 1876 International Conference: Concepts of Humans and Nature between Specificity and Universality. JGU, Mainz.

14.06.2019: “Dissecting Avicenna’s Anatomy of the Brain”, The First International Prof. Dr. Fuat Sezgin History of Science in Islam Symposium. Istanbul.

26.06.2018: “Holy Holes in the Head? Nemesius from Greek into Arabic”. Byzantinistik Kolloquium. JGU, Mainz.

14.06.2018: “Making Sense of Aristotle’s [Anonymous] Appearance in Avicenna’s Anatomy of the Brain”. 29. AKAN. JGU, Mainz.

15.02.2018: “Reception of Ancient Knowledge of the Brain in the Arabic Tradition”. The 12th Annual Ancient Science Conference. UCL, London.

08.12.2017: “Translation, Transmission, Transformation: Diachronic Development of Brain Anatomy in Greco-Arabic Medicine”. Genealogies of Knowledge Conference: Translating Political and Scientific Thought across Time and Space. The University of Manchester, Manchester.

22.10.2017: “The Dialogue between Persian cuisine and medicine”. Symposium: TEM meets TPM Die Verdauung im Licht der Humoralmedizin. TEM-Akademie, Vienna.

14.10.2017: “From Galen to Avicenna: Greco-Roman world to the Perso-Arab world”. GAMED Kongress 2017: Traditionelle Europäische Medizin. GAMED, Vienna.

09.08.2017: “Lecture performance: Report of an Image”. Rooberoo Mansion, Tehran.

05.07.2017: “Bodiless Heads; Chapter Four: Ideas in Flux, Bodies in Movement”. BRISMES Annual Conference: Movement and Migration in the Middle East: People and Ideas in Flux. Edinburgh.

01.07.2017: “Healthy Body (as Vessel for the Soul) in the medieval Islamicate world”. 37. Alte Medizin. JGU, Mainz.

27.06.2017: “Medicine between Occident and Orient: Texts and Ideas in Transit”. The Exchange of Medical Knowledge Past and Present between Austria and Iran”. Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna.

16.06.2017: “Inner Senses: Development of Terminology in a Dialogue between Philosophy and Medicine”. First International Conference on Historical Medical Discourse. University of Milan, Milan.

10.03.2017: “The Brain in Avicenna’s Canon of Medicine” The Medieval Brain. University of York, York.

21.09.2016: “History of humoral medicine in Iran” and “The dialogue between Persian Medicine and Cuisine”. Symposium: TEM meets TPM. TEM-Akademie, Vienna.

09.08.2016: “Cuisine as a mirror for the state of medicine in Qajar Iran”. The 16th Conference of the International Qajar Studies Association: Doctors and the Medicinal Arts in Qajar Iran, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna.

02.07.2016: Theorization of death in Avicenna’s Canon of Medicine. 36. Alte Medizin. JGU, Mainz.


Irannejad, Shahrzad. “Making Sense of Aristotle’s Appearance in Avicenna’s Anatomy of the Brain”. AKAN BAND 29 (2019). 123-140.

Rahimi, Roja; Irannejad, Shahrzad*; Noroozian, Maryam. “Avicenna’s pharmacological approach to memory enhancement”. Neurological Sciences 38 (2017): 1147-1157.


Irannejad, Shahrzad; Milenković, Aleksandar. “From Localization of Functions to the Embodiment of Concepts”. Concepts of Humans and Nature between Specificity and Universality. Hrsg. Ulrieke Steinert, Chiara Ferella. Mohr Siebeck. Tübingen [Hazırlanıyor].

Iranneja, Shahrzad, Alimi, Kiarash. “Greco-Arabic medical heritage in the Iranian kitchen”. Historical and Contemporary Foodways in the Middle East and North Africa. Hrsg. Nancy Stockdale. University of Arkansas Press. [Hazırlanıyor].

Beiträge in Tagungsbänden

—mit Alimi, Kiarash. “Cuisine as a Mirror for the State of Medicine in Qajar Iran”. Qajar Studies 16 (2019).


— “(Book Review) Sonja Brentjes; Jürgen Renn, Eds. Globalization of Knowledge in the Post-Antique Mediterranean, 700–1500.” Isis 109(4) (2018). 832–33.

Blog Yazıları

“Heads Looking for their Bodies: A Report on a Lecture-Performance”. Orient-Institut Istanbul Blog, (30 Nisan 2020).

“Workshop Report: Codicological and Paleographical Aspects of Islamic Manuscripts, with a Special Focus on Manuscript Notes, Berlin, March 2019”. GRK 1876 Blog, 18 Nisan 2019.

“Episode 3: Anatomy and Pharmacology: Negotiating with the Greeks”. GRK 1876 Blog,  (30.04.2018).

“Animals in Byzantium: Three case studies. A lecture by Prof. Stavos Lazaris”. GRK 1876 Blog,  (13.02.2017).

“York and Manchester: A report of a perfect March”. GRK 1876 Blog,  (15.04.2017).

“A Report of the First International Conference on Historical Medical Discourse, Milan”. GRK 1876 Blog, (25.06.2017).

“A Report of the International Conference ‘The Exchange of Medical Knowledge Past and Present between Austria and Iran, Vienna’”. GRK 1876 Blog, (12.07.2017).

“Arabic Commentaries on Hippocratic Aphorisms: An example for exchange of medical and philosophical knowledge transfer”. GRK 1876 Blog, (16.06.2016).

“The 16th Conference of the International Qajar Studies Association: Doctors and the Medicinal Arts in Qajar Iran, Vienna”. GRK 1876 Blog, (24.08.2016).

Salgınlar Öncesinde Bilgi: (İslami) Sıvılar Tıbbı Karşısında Peygamber Tıbbı (Orient-Institut Istanbul)

“İbn-i Sina’nın İç Duyularının Hipokrat Bedeninde Lokalizasyonu” (GRK 1876, JGU Mainz)